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COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — Profits from sales of recreational marijuana are in the tens of millions, theDivision of Cannabis Control reports.
As of September 28, sales of recreational marijuana were reported to have exceeded $87.1 million of the more than $2 billion in total product sales including medical marijuana.
More than 10,000 pounds of non-medical plant material has been sold, and more than 1.3 million units of non-medical manufactured material has been sold.
While the lion’s share of profits from marijuana sales are still for medical uses, which total more than $1.9 billion as of September 28, sales for recreational use climb steadily, having jumped from just over $76 million in a previous report from the previous week.
To date, more than 120 medical dispensaries in Ohio have received dual use certificates of operation which allows them to sell both recreational and medical products.